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Image by JD  Mason

Our Treatments & Sessions 

Peppermint provide a wide range of holistic treatments and talking therapies alongside our  class schedules. You can read more about these below.

Head to the  "Book Online" page to see all available treatments and appointment availability.  Take me there

What Our Clients Say

Image by Max van den Oetelaar


Hypnotherapy is a type of complementary treatment which uses hypnosis to create a relaxed state, in which a person is more susceptible to suggestion. 




Free initial consultation

1 session (60 Mins) £40

Course of 6 sessions £180



During this relaxed state, you enter a different mode of brain wave activity (theta waves) where your subconscious mind 'lives'. Your conscious mind being relaxed, allows the suggestions to penetrate at a subconscious level, where they help to alter your behaviours and beliefs. 

Hypnotherapy can can be used alongside other conventional therapy to treat, stress related issues, long-term conditions,  addictions, it can aid weight-loss, phobias, IBS, low self-esteem and low confidence and much more. 

 Hypnotherapy is not the same as stage hypnosis. You are fully in control at all times and would not 'do' anything that you wouldn't normally do.



  • Help to quit smoking, change eating habits and help to stop drinking.

  • It can ease stress and help you to achieve success.

  • Help to overcome fears and phobias.

  • Help with anxiety and depression.

  • Support with fertility treatment.

  • Aid natural healing.

  • And much more.


Law of Attraction Coaching

The Law of Attraction is one of the universal laws that focuses on the belief that likes attracts like. This isn't a new concept, in fact Buddha stated that, ' What you become is what you have thought,' and it is even referred to in the Bible, ' As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is'. All thoughts eventually become things. 




1 session (60 Mins) £40


Course of 6 sessions £180


Groups (Min of 5 people) £10pp

LoA coaching can support you to tune into a positive vibrational mindset, using tools and techniques to attract more positive experiences into your life. 

LoA courses come with a personal workbook. 



  • Help with anxiety and depression.

  • Career success.

  • Relationship help.

  • Financial success.

  • Manifestation support.

  • Improvement in confidence and self-esteem.

  • Improvement in motivation and goal setting.

Image by Peter Conlan

Life Coaching 

A life coaching session or course can help you to discover your personal best. You are the true expert in your life and only you can recognise what is best for you. 



Free Initial Consultation 


1 session (60 mins) £40


Course of 6 sessions £180

Everyday we make decisions which may range from profound to trivial and each one has an affect on our lives. This can make our lives more/less fulfilling or more/less balanced. 

Life coaching helps you to learn how to make more effective choices . 

All courses include personal workbook. 



  • Confidence, self-worth and self-esteem.

  • Help to form loving relationships that work.

  • Finding balance in life.

  • Self-care and getting own needs met.

  • Living your purpose.

  • Managing stress, anger, frustration and upsets.

  • Managing grief, loss, sadness, and change.

  • Food, nutrition and optimal health.

  • Career directions.

Image by Toa Heftiba

Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage is a relaxing massage technique that involves using the hands to manipulate the superficial layers of muscles. 



Back and shoulder massage £25

Full body £35

Added Reiki £5 (20 minutes)


It can calm the nervous system and promote a sense of well-being. As with any form of touch, it can strengthen the immune system, improve sleep, reduce stress and promote the production of the body's natural pain killers. 


All massages can include the added benefit of Reiki healing. 

Stress relief Relaxation. 
Increased Circulation.
Pain relief Restore range of motion. 
Complementary treatment.



Image by Content Pixie

Reiki Healing

Reiki is a Japanese technique that works with our unseen 'life-force energy. 
Rei- means 'God's wisdom or higher power' and Ki- means, 'life-force energy'. 

Prices:  1 hour - £30

1 hour treatment (10 minutes feedback) includes gemstone crystal to keep, a tailored crystal grid sheet and a bespoke feedback sheet. 


Reiki promotes harmony and balance in the body by working with the body's energy centres, which are the chakras. There are 7 main chakras within the body and each has corresponding body systems and organs. 
If there is a blockage in these energy centres, then this could manifest in disease, illness of emotional imbalance. 


Promotes harmony and balance. 
Creates deep relaxation and helps the body to release stress and tension. 
Dissolves energy blocks and promotes natural balance between body, mind and spirit. 
Assists the body in cleansing itself from toxins and supports the immune system. 
Clears the mind and improves focus. 
Aids better sleep, self-healing, relieves pain and helps spiritual growth and emotional cleansing.

Image by Studio Kealaula

Crystal Therapy

Crystals take millions of years to form and are believed to hold certain energies. There are different types of crystals depending on the type of mineral it is made from and the conditions it grows in. These differences are thought to change the effect the crystal has energetically. 


Prices: £30

1 hour crystal therapy either included in with your reiki, sound-healing or meditation 1-2-1  

Crystal healing is an holistic and natural therapy that taps into the energetic power of the crystals and how they affect the body and mind. Holding or being near these crystals is thought to affect our own energies on a physical and spiritual level. 

All massages and reiki treatments are available with an added crystal boost. 

Crystal workshops available. 



  • Promotes general well-being

  • Aids relaxation

  • Helps with stress and anxiety

  • Eases tension

  • Helps with physical pain relief

  • Promotes better sleep

  • Enhances self-esteem

  • Encourages clarity

  • Inspires a sense of peace

Image by Antonika Chanel

Indian Head Massage

This is a form of massage therapy that originated in India thousands of years ago. It derives from the ancient healing system of Ayurveda, which focuses on the head, neck and shoulders. 




40 Mins £30



The massage works by releasing any blocked, negative energy that may be manifesting in illness or disease. 

It is carried out by applying pressure to specific points on the neck, shoulders and back which correspond to each chakra. By unblocking the chakras, the energy can flow free through the body, helping the individual reach a more balanced, natural state.



  • Relief built up tension ,

  • Detoxification of the body by stimulating lymphatic drainage

  • Boosts overall immunity, improvement of circulation, which in turn increases energy levels, promotion of clarity and increased concentration

  • Relief of symptoms of sinusitis

  • Improve sleep

  • Improve anxiety and depression

  • Increasing feelings of peace, calm and well being.

  • Boosting memory

Image by Rune Enstad


Reflexology is a type of massage that involves applying pressure to different points on the feet. It is based on the theory that there are zones on the feet that are connected to certain organs and body systems. 



40 Mins £25

Includes a soothing foot soak and herbal tea to ease you into relaxation.

It is a belief that the qi (chee) energy or 'vita energy' flows through each person. When a person feels stressed their body blocks 'qi' energy. This can cause imbalances in the body that can lead to illness. 

Reflexology aims to keep qi flowing through the body keeping it balanced and disease free.  Your therapist will chat to you before the treatment to uncover the reason for your treatment that day. This will determine the method applied to the feet. 


You'll then enjoy attentive pressure applied to the feet which will detect tiny deposits and imbalances. Working on these, your therapist can help to release blockages and restore balance within the whole body. 




  • Reduce stress and anxiety

  • Reduce pain

  • Lift mood

  • Improve general well-being


In addition, people have reported that reflexology helped them:


  • Boost their immune system

  • get over colds and bacterial infections

  • Clear up sinus issues

  • recover from back problems

  • Correct hormonal imbalances

  • Boost fertility

  • Improve digestion

  • Ease arthritis pain

Image by Enecta Cannabis extracts

Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy massage uses massage oil that contains all natural essential oils. 




Back and shoulder Massage with aromatherapy  30 minutes- £30


Full Body Massage with aromatherapy 60 minutes - £40 (Includes scalp massage)


Includes essential oil roller infused with crystals to continue your healing after the treatment. 

During the massage, the essential oil is inhaled and absorbed through the skin. This affects the limbic system, a region of the brain that is heavily involved with emotion. Therefore, using aromatherapy alongside massage can promote beneficial changes to the mind and body. 


 Benefits: Can help with:

  • Anxiety

  • Dementia symptoms

  • Depression

  • Insomnia

  • Menstrual pain

  • Supportive care for people with conditions such as cancer


Dry Cupping

Cupping therapy is a technique that utilises a vacuum force created beneath a small cup applied onto the skin's surface.  


The suction pulls on the skin and increases blood flow to the affected area. the cups can be applied to the back, neck, shoulders, stomach, arms, legs, feet, or most other parts of the body. 


Cupping can help with:


  • Arthritis

  • Joint/back pain

  • Asthma

  • Carpel tunnel syndrome 

  • GI disorders

  • Headaches and migraines 

  • High blood pressure




Back and shoulder Massage with cupping £30


Full Body Massage with cupping £40


Hopi ear candling

Hopi ear candling is a gentle, relaxing, non-invasive, soothing treatment which can offer relief to problems in the ear, nose and throat area. 


During this treatment, a hopi ear candle is gently placed into the ear and then lit. When the candle is burning is creates a light suction, along with the movement of the flame which creates a vibration of air in the candle, resulting in a massage-like effect on the ear drum. 




40 minutes - £25



Hot Stone Massage

Hot Stone massage 

Imagine the sensation of the smooth, hot stones on your skin to re-balance your energy and provide physical and mental therapy. 


This truly holistic experience can bring harmony to the mind, body and soul. The stones can also be used on trigger points to bring relief to tension-prone areas. 


Hot stone therapy can help with:


  • Physical healing 

  • Mental clarity 

  • Spiritual connection to the Earth

  • Improved circulation 

  • Soothing deep tissue massage




Back and shoulder Massage with hot stones 30 minutes -  £30


Full Body Massage with hot stones 60 minutes £40

Reiki Healing

Reiki & Reflexology Fusion 

Begin your journey to relaxation and balance with a warm welcome and a soothing cup of herbal tea. Settle into a peaceful environment, designed to relax your mind and body from the moment you arrive.


Your experience starts with a foot soak in a warm, aromatic foot spa to gently cleanse and prepare your feet, encouraging circulation and releasing any initial tension. This foot spa soak incorporates soothing essential oils, providing a perfect prelude to the restorative treatments that follow.


Price - £48 *Includes Crystal tumblestone


Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Coming soon 




Target area 30 minute -  £35


Full Body Massage 60 minute - £40

Modern Bedroom

Feng Shui coaching

Coming soon 




Session in-house -  £40


Session in clinets' home - £45

Sports massage on leg

Sports massage 

During a sports massage the musculoskeletal system (muscle, tendons and ligaments) is manipulated using hands-on techniques in order to improve its efficiency. 


specific areas can be targeted for injury prevention or rehabilitation. 

Sports massage can help with:


  • Releasing muscle tension

  • Improved circulation

  • Encourage removal of waste products such as lactic acid

  • Improved range of movement and flexibility




Target area 30 minute -  £35


Full Body Massage 60 minute - £40

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Peppermint Hot Yoga Studio

526 Fleet Lane, St Helens, WA9 2NB, England

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